Showing related routers here


Private Vs. Public IP Addresses is a private IP address and directly related to your Wi-Fi network. It is the chain of numbers you use to access the router admin page. However, as briefly mentioned, your router also has another public IP address.

Your ISP will assign your public IP address, and you don’t have much control over it. Your public IP address can be any chain of four numbers, not consisting of the ones reserved for your private IP address. Your public IP address allows your router to connect and communicate with the internet. Any time you visit a website, it will see your public IP address, and use it to send you your requested information.

Another difference between your private and public IP addresses is that your public IP address will most likely change. As stated, each router in the world needs a different public IP address, so ISPs have to use dynamic IP addresses. The ISP distributes its available IP addresses on a per-use basis. Once a user disconnects from the internet, their public IP address gets passed to someone else. Otherwise, ISPs would not have enough addresses for all of their customers.

It is possible to have a public IP address that does not change, and these are called static IP addresses. These types of addresses are for websites or cloud servers, which need to stay online permanently.

As the name suggests, a public IP address is public. It is for that reason that there is some concern towards a user’s security. The public IP address can reveal the rough location of a user. However, in the right hands, a public IP address can provide more info than that. A hacker can use a public IP address to build a profile of a user.

Поиск IP-адреса вашего устройства

IP-адрес вашего устройства обычно печатается на коробке или внизу устройства. Если вы не можете найти его, вы можете получить доступ к нему со своего компьютера.

IP-адреса маршрутизатора по умолчанию:

Чтобы найти IP-адрес вашего маршрутизатора по умолчанию, используйте утилиту Window ipconfig:

  1. Нажмите на Поиск поле справа от Стартовое меню.

  2. Тип

    CMDЗатем нажмите Командная строка.

  3. ВойтиIPCONFIGдля отображения списка всех подключений вашего компьютера.

  4. IP-адрес вашего маршрутизатора указан в разделе «Подключение по локальной сети» и определяется как «Шлюз по умолчанию».

  5. Вот и все.


If you use ping command for this IP address, you cannot do it unless you are a part of that network. Only if you are part of the network, you can use the command.

You need to have a good network connection in your Offices or Houses if you want your network to work properly. And if you want to configure the devices with Router’s you need to configure it using the admin panel only. There is no other way you can configure it. And also to change any device settings you have to use the same Admin panel. So it’s essential to know about the networks you are using as well as it’s configuration.


Базовое администрирование

Доступ к личному кабинету требуется по многим причинам: если необходимо переименовать свою сеть, изменить пароль, настроить уровень безопасности, включить или отключить удаленное администрирование, создать гостевую сеть. В зависимости от марки и модели существуют и другие настройки, к которым можно получить доступ через роутер. Некоторые позволяют подключать внешнее хранилище для использования в сети или настраивать родительский контроль, чтобы ограничить доступ в установленные периоды времени.

В основном пользователи не следят за выходом свежих прошивок. Однако рекомендуется устанавливать актуальные версии – это поможет исправить текущие ошибки и закрыть разнообразные уязвимости, позволяющие злоумышленникам взломать сеть.

Автоматическое присвоение адреса

Обычным использованием адреса является маршрутизатор, автоматически назначающий его устройству в своей сети. Например, администраторы иногда настраивают маршрутизаторы с в качестве адреса по умолчанию для использования в качестве начального адреса своего диапазона DHCP. Это позволяет первому устройству в сети получить адрес, который заканчивается более простым для запоминания номером раунда (100), а не следующим адресом в последовательности (2). В качестве альтернативы администраторы иногда настраивают диапазон IP-адресов клиента маршрутизатора как —, оставляя доступными для статического назначения IP-адресов.

More About

The IP address is a local, private, or gateway IP address. is your router’s address that computer devices connected to the network will use to send data requests over the internet. Your router also has a public IP address. The public IP address gets used by the ISP and any website you visit, to get the information of the website you visit, to your router, with your router the sending that data, back to your computer screen, via the private IP address.

Finding Your IP Address is a common private IP address, though it might not be yours. If is not your IP address, you can search for your router model online, which should reveal the default IP address of your router. The IP address may also be listed in the manual of your router. If those methods don’t work, you can use your computer to find your IP address.

If Your Computer Is Running Microsoft Windows:

  1. Click on the network icon in the bottom right of your screen.
  2. With the menu open, select the Wi-Fi network you use for the internet.
  3. Selecting the Wi-Fi network will present you with a variety of information. Among this will be IPv4, which will have a chain of numbers next to it that looks similar to These numbers are your IP address.

If Your Computer Is Running On Mac OS X

  1. Open up the Apple menu
  2. Click on the option titled system preferences
  3. Click on the network you use for internet access
  4. Next to the word router, you will find your IP address listed

The only way your private IP address will change is if you change it. If your routers IP address does not match or one of the other default IP addresses, then someone may have changed it before. If that is the case and you wish to reset it back to default, then you can perform a factory reset on your router, though that will reset everything else on the router.

Private Vs. Public IP Addresses is a private IP address and directly related to your Wi-Fi network. It is the chain of numbers you use to access the router admin page. However, as briefly mentioned, your router also has another public IP address.

Your ISP will assign your public IP address, and you don’t have much control over it. Your public IP address can be any chain of four numbers, not consisting of the ones reserved for your private IP address. Your public IP address allows your router to connect and communicate with the internet. Any time you visit a website, it will see your public IP address, and use it to send you your requested information.

Another difference between your private and public IP addresses is that your public IP address will most likely change. As stated, each router in the world needs a different public IP address, so ISPs have to use dynamic IP addresses. The ISP distributes its available IP addresses on a per-use basis. Once a user disconnects from the internet, their public IP address gets passed to someone else. Otherwise, ISPs would not have enough addresses for all of their customers.

It is possible to have a public IP address that does not change, and these are called static IP addresses. These types of addresses are for websites or cloud servers, which need to stay online permanently.

As the name suggests, a public IP address is public. It is for that reason that there is some concern towards a user’s security. The public IP address can reveal the rough location of a user. However, in the right hands, a public IP address can provide more info than that. A hacker can use a public IP address to build a profile of a user.

Настройте в консоли маршрутизатора

Частные IP-адреса управляются через административную консоль маршрутизатора. Настройка маршрутизатора или другого устройства, включая изменение его IP-адреса по умолчанию или назначение конкретного адреса для устройства в сети осуществляется через ввод его IP-адреса в адресной строке браузера.

Общий IP-адрес маршрутизаторов –, хотя поставщик вашего маршрутизатора может изменить адрес консоли.

Маршрутизаторы поставляются с учетными данными имени пользователя и пароля по умолчанию. Имя пользователя обычно – admin или user, в то время как паролем может быть admin, user или 1234. Устройства некоторых производителей поставляются без имён пользователей и паролей по умолчанию, поэтому вы можете получить доступ к консоли, просто щелкнув по диалоговому окну входа в систему.

Если вы ещё не знаете! Всегда устанавливайте имя пользователя и надежный пароль в консоли администратора вашего маршрутизатора, чтобы предотвратить изменение настроек кем-то в вашей локальной сети.

Private Vs. Public IP Addresses is a private IP address and directly related to your Wi-Fi network. It is the chain of numbers you use to access the router admin page. However, as briefly mentioned, your router also has another public IP address.

Your ISP will assign your public IP address, and you don’t have much control over it. Your public IP address can be any chain of four numbers, not consisting of the ones reserved for your private IP address. Your public IP address allows your router to connect and communicate with the internet. Any time you visit a website, it will see your public IP address, and use it to send you your requested information.

Another difference between your private and public IP addresses is that your public IP address will most likely change. As stated, each router in the world needs a different public IP address, so ISPs have to use dynamic IP addresses. The ISP distributes its available IP addresses on a per-use basis. Once a user disconnects from the internet, their public IP address gets passed to someone else. Otherwise, ISPs would not have enough addresses for all of their customers.

It is possible to have a public IP address that does not change, and these are called static IP addresses. These types of addresses are for websites or cloud servers, which need to stay online permanently.

As the name suggests, a public IP address is public. It is for that reason that there is some concern towards a user’s security. The public IP address can reveal the rough location of a user. However, in the right hands, a public IP address can provide more info than that. A hacker can use a public IP address to build a profile of a user.

Private Vs. Public IP Addresses is a private IP address and directly related to your Wi-Fi network. It is the chain of numbers you use to access the router admin page. However, as briefly mentioned, your router also has another public IP address.

Your ISP will assign your public IP address, and you don’t have much control over it. Your public IP address can be any chain of four numbers, not consisting of the ones reserved for your private IP address. Your public IP address allows your router to connect and communicate with the internet. Any time you visit a website, it will see your public IP address, and use it to send you your requested information.

Another difference between your private and public IP addresses is that your public IP address will most likely change. As stated, each router in the world needs a different public IP address, so ISPs have to use dynamic IP addresses. The ISP distributes its available IP addresses on a per-use basis. Once a user disconnects from the internet, their public IP address gets passed to someone else. Otherwise, ISPs would not have enough addresses for all of their customers.

It is possible to have a public IP address that does not change, and these are called static IP addresses. These types of addresses are for websites or cloud servers, which need to stay online permanently.

As the name suggests, a public IP address is public. It is for that reason that there is some concern towards a user’s security. The public IP address can reveal the rough location of a user. However, in the right hands, a public IP address can provide more info than that. A hacker can use a public IP address to build a profile of a user.

What Is An IP address Such As

As touched on above, is a private IP address that your router uses to distinguish itself on the network, and a delivery point for data requests from computer devices using the Wi-Fi network. is not unique to your router as most router manufacturers use a selection of private IP addresses across their ranges of routers. With that said, a private IP address is not even unique to a certain brand. It is done this way, as the only person who needs to know the private IP address is the owner of the router.

But how does your router know which computer device is sending it data requests? Well, your router is not the only device on your network, with each computer connected to your Wi-Fi network, also having a private IP address such as The string of numbers that is your IP address helps each device communicate with the other. And it is not just internet-capable devices that have an IP address. Printers and storage devices also have an IP address, so your router and computer devices using the network can connect with them and use them. Usually, the IP addresses of other devices on the Wi-Fi network are deviations of the router IP address, with the last number being different.

As of writing, when people talk about IP addresses, they are referring to IPv4. IPv4 stands for internet protocol version 4 and is four sets of numbers separated by a period, though it is not just any numbers. The IANA or Internet Assigned Numbers Authority has reserved certain numbers for private IP addresses, and the rest can be used for public IP addresses. Those reserved numbers are:

  • From to
  • From to
  • From to

Those three ranges of numbers allow for about 18 million different private IP addresses. As stated, the router manufacturers usually only stick to two or three.

Избегание конфликтов IP-адресов

Администраторам следует не вручную назначать этот адрес (или любой адрес), принадлежащий диапазону адресов DHCP маршрутизатора. В противном случае конфликты IP-адресов могут возникать, поскольку маршрутизатор может назначить адрес, который уже используется. Проверьте настройки консоли маршрутизатора, чтобы определить пул DHCP, который он определил. Маршрутизаторы определяют этот диапазон, используя комбинацию нескольких параметров, включая:

  • Маска сети — подсеть маршрутизатора определяет минимальный и максимальный допустимый IP-адрес. Дополнительные сведения см. В разделе Работа с масками подсети.
  • Начальный адрес — начальный номер диапазона (используемый для дальнейшего ограничения в подсети).
  • Максимальное количество клиентов — дополнительный предел, который некоторые маршрутизаторы применяют в дополнение к маске.

Default Username and Password for

When a network router is manufactured, it is assigned a default username and password. This username and password is used to login to the admin home page. It is recommended to change the login details once the router is up and running. The default settings are there so the router can be rebooted and cleared in the event of trouble.

The username and password will be in the paperwork that came with the router. 99% of the time it will also be printed on a sticker underneath the router. Most manufacturers offer a PDF version of the routers manual online. The most common are listed below to give you an idea of what is used. This list is not comprehensive. A quick search online and you’ll find websites with almost every model of router’s details listed. Router Login

Essentially type the address in your default browser will take you to the area of the router settings where you can just login and change the settings effectively. Before you go on to the router arrangement page simply comprehend that you have to know the default username and go to access the primary router configuration page. When you enter the above area with the right router then you are invited by the router setting page. There simply enter the default username and password and it will promptly take you to the settings page.

You can find the default credentials for some, gadgets down beneath.

Additionally make sure to change the default to some other irregular strong password with the end goal of security. Truly have a go at picking some strong password. Additionally note that once you change the WiFi password through the router settings page at that point recollect that the internet that you have associated through the WiFi will out of nowhere quits working and need to reappear the WiFi password once more and build up the new association.

The first means to login to the comfort on-board on your router is to open your preferred browser. When you’ve done that, click on the address bar and enter For whatever length of time that you have entered the specific numbers (and you’re utilizing the applicable execution of the router), you will be provoked to enter your login data. Enter your username and password and you will have the option to access the reassure. From here, you can cause changes to the settings of your router to include: WAN, LAN, WLAN, PPPoE, WPS, MAC, DSL, DCHP customers and different security choices.

What Is An IP address Such As

As touched on above, is a private IP address that your router uses to distinguish itself on the network, and a delivery point for data requests from computer devices using the Wi-Fi network. is not unique to your router as most router manufacturers use a selection of private IP addresses across their ranges of routers. With that said, a private IP address is not even unique to a certain brand. It is done this way, as the only person who needs to know the private IP address is the owner of the router.

But how does your router know which computer device is sending it data requests? Well, your router is not the only device on your network, with each computer connected to your Wi-Fi network, also having a private IP address such as The string of numbers that is your IP address helps each device communicate with the other. And it is not just internet-capable devices that have an IP address. Printers and storage devices also have an IP address, so your router and computer devices using the network can connect with them and use them. Usually, the IP addresses of other devices on the Wi-Fi network are deviations of the router IP address, with the last number being different.

As of writing, when people talk about IP addresses, they are referring to IPv4. IPv4 stands for internet protocol version 4 and is four sets of numbers separated by a period, though it is not just any numbers. The IANA or Internet Assigned Numbers Authority has reserved certain numbers for private IP addresses, and the rest can be used for public IP addresses. Those reserved numbers are:

  • From to
  • From to
  • From to

Those three ranges of numbers allow for about 18 million different private IP addresses. As stated, the router manufacturers usually only stick to two or three.

More About

The IP address is a local, private, or gateway IP address. is your router’s address that computer devices connected to the network will use to send data requests over the internet. Your router also has a public IP address. The public IP address gets used by the ISP and any website you visit, to get the information of the website you visit, to your router, with your router the sending that data, back to your computer screen, via the private IP address.

Finding Your IP Address is a common private IP address, though it might not be yours. If is not your IP address, you can search for your router model online, which should reveal the default IP address of your router. The IP address may also be listed in the manual of your router. If those methods don’t work, you can use your computer to find your IP address.

If Your Computer Is Running Microsoft Windows:

  1. Click on the network icon in the bottom right of your screen.
  2. With the menu open, select the Wi-Fi network you use for the internet.
  3. Selecting the Wi-Fi network will present you with a variety of information. Among this will be IPv4, which will have a chain of numbers next to it that looks similar to These numbers are your IP address.

If Your Computer Is Running On Mac OS X

  1. Open up the Apple menu
  2. Click on the option titled system preferences
  3. Click on the network you use for internet access
  4. Next to the word router, you will find your IP address listed

The only way your private IP address will change is if you change it. If your routers IP address does not match or one of the other default IP addresses, then someone may have changed it before. If that is the case and you wish to reset it back to default, then you can perform a factory reset on your router, though that will reset everything else on the router.

Автоматическое присвоение адреса

Распространенным использованием адреса является маршрутизатор, автоматически назначающий его устройству в своей сети.

Например, администраторы иногда настраивают маршрутизаторы, которые имеют в качестве адреса по умолчанию для использования в качестве исходного адреса их DHCP диапазона. Этот параметр позволяет первому устройству в сети получить адрес, который заканчивается запоминающимся круглым числом (100), а не следующий адрес в последовательности (2).

В качестве альтернативы администраторы иногда настраивают диапазон IP-адресов клиента маршрутизатора от до, оставляя доступным для назначения статического IP-адреса.

More About

The IP address is a local, private, or gateway IP address. is your router’s address that computer devices connected to the network will use to send data requests over the internet. Your router also has a public IP address. The public IP address gets used by the ISP and any website you visit, to get the information of the website you visit, to your router, with your router the sending that data, back to your computer screen, via the private IP address.

Finding Your IP Address is a common private IP address, though it might not be yours. If is not your IP address, you can search for your router model online, which should reveal the default IP address of your router. The IP address may also be listed in the manual of your router. If those methods don’t work, you can use your computer to find your IP address.

If Your Computer Is Running Microsoft Windows:

  1. Click on the network icon in the bottom right of your screen.
  2. With the menu open, select the Wi-Fi network you use for the internet.
  3. Selecting the Wi-Fi network will present you with a variety of information. Among this will be IPv4, which will have a chain of numbers next to it that looks similar to These numbers are your IP address.

If Your Computer Is Running On Mac OS X

  1. Open up the Apple menu
  2. Click on the option titled system preferences
  3. Click on the network you use for internet access
  4. Next to the word router, you will find your IP address listed

The only way your private IP address will change is if you change it. If your routers IP address does not match or one of the other default IP addresses, then someone may have changed it before. If that is the case and you wish to reset it back to default, then you can perform a factory reset on your router, though that will reset everything else on the router.

Вход на через AiDisk в старой версии админки

Итак, в деле у нас наш старый добрый маршрутизатор RT-N10U. Все прошивки этой фирмы одного поколения имеют сходный интерфейс, поэтому руководство будет полезно владельцам любых моделей. В тех из них, у которых есть USB разъем, сразу предустановлена утилита AiDisk, поэтому вам будет легко сориентироваться.

Итак, подключаем накопитель — это может быть или простая флешка, или полноценный внешний жесткий диск с автономным питанием от электросети, что предпочтительнее.

Заходим в панель управления роутером по адресу «» и выбираем в меню «AiDisk». Если не появится нижеприведенная страница, то надо подождать и перезапускать мастер настройки до тех пор, пока роутер не распознает накопитель.

Нажимаем единственную имеющуюся кнопку и выбираем режим доступа к будущему FTP серверу.

Я предпочту третий вариант, а позже можно будет задать отдельный пароль для тех, кто хочет просто пользоваться файловым хранилищем.

Разумеется, логин и пароль надо будет изменить на собственные.

I Can’t Connect to

On the off chance that you utilize the IP address, at that point you will not have the option to interface with any of the routers that are accessible outside your home or outside your office. This is on the grounds that this IP address is certifiably not an open address and it’s a private one. If you don’t mind make a point to check the default IP gateway rundown and interface with the right router.

Since it is a private IPv4 address of should restrict is that you can just connect to a router inside your network. In the event that you need to run at the same time two routers on your network, you should dole out a different address. By looking at the default port, you can find the nearby router IP address utilized.

Private Vs. Public IP Addresses is a private IP address and directly related to your Wi-Fi network. It is the chain of numbers you use to access the router admin page. However, as briefly mentioned, your router also has another public IP address.

Your ISP will assign your public IP address, and you don’t have much control over it. Your public IP address can be any chain of four numbers, not consisting of the ones reserved for your private IP address. Your public IP address allows your router to connect and communicate with the internet. Any time you visit a website, it will see your public IP address, and use it to send you your requested information.

Another difference between your private and public IP addresses is that your public IP address will most likely change. As stated, each router in the world needs a different public IP address, so ISPs have to use dynamic IP addresses. The ISP distributes its available IP addresses on a per-use basis. Once a user disconnects from the internet, their public IP address gets passed to someone else. Otherwise, ISPs would not have enough addresses for all of their customers.

It is possible to have a public IP address that does not change, and these are called static IP addresses. These types of addresses are for websites or cloud servers, which need to stay online permanently.

As the name suggests, a public IP address is public. It is for that reason that there is some concern towards a user’s security. The public IP address can reveal the rough location of a user. However, in the right hands, a public IP address can provide more info than that. A hacker can use a public IP address to build a profile of a user.

Private Vs. Public IP Addresses is a private IP address and directly related to your Wi-Fi network. It is the chain of numbers you use to access the router admin page. However, as briefly mentioned, your router also has another public IP address.

Your ISP will assign your public IP address, and you don’t have much control over it. Your public IP address can be any chain of four numbers, not consisting of the ones reserved for your private IP address. Your public IP address allows your router to connect and communicate with the internet. Any time you visit a website, it will see your public IP address, and use it to send you your requested information.

Another difference between your private and public IP addresses is that your public IP address will most likely change. As stated, each router in the world needs a different public IP address, so ISPs have to use dynamic IP addresses. The ISP distributes its available IP addresses on a per-use basis. Once a user disconnects from the internet, their public IP address gets passed to someone else. Otherwise, ISPs would not have enough addresses for all of their customers.

It is possible to have a public IP address that does not change, and these are called static IP addresses. These types of addresses are for websites or cloud servers, which need to stay online permanently.

As the name suggests, a public IP address is public. It is for that reason that there is some concern towards a user’s security. The public IP address can reveal the rough location of a user. However, in the right hands, a public IP address can provide more info than that. A hacker can use a public IP address to build a profile of a user.

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  • Perle Systems Perle P800

Private Vs. Public IP Addresses is a private IP address and directly related to your Wi-Fi network. It is the chain of numbers you use to access the router admin page. However, as briefly mentioned, your router also has another public IP address.

Your ISP will assign your public IP address, and you don’t have much control over it. Your public IP address can be any chain of four numbers, not consisting of the ones reserved for your private IP address. Your public IP address allows your router to connect and communicate with the internet. Any time you visit a website, it will see your public IP address, and use it to send you your requested information.

Another difference between your private and public IP addresses is that your public IP address will most likely change. As stated, each router in the world needs a different public IP address, so ISPs have to use dynamic IP addresses. The ISP distributes its available IP addresses on a per-use basis. Once a user disconnects from the internet, their public IP address gets passed to someone else. Otherwise, ISPs would not have enough addresses for all of their customers.

It is possible to have a public IP address that does not change, and these are called static IP addresses. These types of addresses are for websites or cloud servers, which need to stay online permanently.

As the name suggests, a public IP address is public. It is for that reason that there is some concern towards a user’s security. The public IP address can reveal the rough location of a user. However, in the right hands, a public IP address can provide more info than that. A hacker can use a public IP address to build a profile of a user.

Что сделать перед тем, как зайти в роутер через логин и пароль?

Бытует заблуждение, что для подключения роутера к компьютеру а в последующем и к интернету необходимо устанавливать некие драйверы. На самом деле, любой маршрутизатор работает под управлением своей собственной операционной системы и для это микропрограммы установка какого-либо дополнительного софта для Windows не требуется.

Но перед тем, как открыть страницу входа в маршрутизатор, нужно выполнить обычные шаги для подключения его к ПК или ноутбуку.

  1. Вставить кабель от провайдера в порт WAN. Он обычно выделен каким-то другим цветом, отличающимся от остальных. Если же все порты одинаковые, то смотрите на подписи к ним. Нужный нам обязательно обозначенный как «WAN» или «Internet»
  2. Далее берём лежащую в коробке в комплекте роутера витую пару и подключаем ее одним концом в одно из гнезд LAN на роутере. Это любой из других оставшихся свободных портов. Обычно они обозначены либо именно как LAN, либо цифрами — 1,2,3,4.
  3. Другой конец втыкаем в разъем Ethernet на компьютере. Чаще всего сетевая карта компьютера или ноутбука встроена в материнскую плату и не требует никаких дополнительных настроек.
  4. Если же она дискретная, то есть установлена отдельно, то проверьте, определяется ли она как сетевое устройство в компьютере. При отсутствии необходимо будет установить на нее драйверы, которые находятся либо на установочном компакт-диске, который приложен в комплекте. Либо скачать из интернета на флешку через другой ПК и установить их уже с нее. Иначе Интернет просто не будет работать.
  5. Если же вы хотите подключиться к роутеру и настроить его сразу по wifi, то проверьте, действительно ли вы подключились именно к своему wifi. Удивительно, но и такое случается, когда человек пытается зайти в кабинет одного роутера, но при этом по невнимательности подключен к совершенно другому. Сразу после подачи питания маршрутизатор начинает ретранслировать беспроводной сигнал. Он может быть как открытым, так и изначально защищен паролем. Название сети и ключ авторизации указаны на наклейке на крышке.
  6. После этого можно смело включать wifi роутер и делать сброс настроек, чтобы все конфигурации откатились в заводское состояние. Благодаря этому мы сможем использовать данные по умолчанию для входа в его настройки.